Blondie’s Chris Stein on his new punk photo book

Guitarist and co-founder of Blondie, Chris Stein, released his photography book Point of View: Me, New York City, and the Punk Scene. The work chronicles the 70’s downtown punk scene with intimate imagery and personal portraiture. Stein spoke with me about his photographic record in his new book.

Photography files: Sacha Lecca

Rolling Stone’s Deputy Photo Editor Sacha Lecca’s photography has become a part of the greater music conversation for years now, provoking a DIY ethos and raw energy.  We discussed his transition form Newsweek to Rolling Stone and how the landscape of the medium has changed over the past two decades of his work.

Eat Your <3 Out is a film photograph mini-series for music magazine Alt Citizen based on poetry and sweet nothings. This series focuses on the profound grieving process and breaking free from the the platitudinous ideas regarding heartbreak.

Eat Your <3 Out